HTML Table rowspan and colspan

HTML Table rowspan and colspan are useful to use multiple rows and columns. HTML ROW SPAN In HTML, the rowspan attribute is used to specify how many rows a table cell should span or cover vertically within an HTML table. It is an attribute that can be applied to <td> (table data) or <th> (table … Read more

HTML table tag

We can create a table in html by using <htmt></htmt> tag.with in table tag we use <tr> to create new table row.inside tr we use <td> tag to specify data provide table header <th> tag is used One table can contain multiple table rows and each row can contain multiple table data. Syntax

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CSS Tables

We have alreay learned HTML Tables that is very basic there we learned how to create HTML table and how to make rows cols in HTML Table. To Make a beautiful HTML table we apply CSS on HTML Table. CSS has the following properties for styling the HTML Tables: border border-collapse width height text-align vertical-align … Read more