Gson parse json array with example

Gson parses JSON array meaning to Parsing JSON array with Google Gson library. Follow these steps to read JSON Array To read jsonString as an array we use the following syntax Gson gson=new Gson(); ElementType [] refVar=gson.fromJson(jsonString,ElementType[].class); To read jsonString as List TypeToken is used to find the type of class List eList=(List)gson.fromJson(reader, new TypeToken(){}.getType()); … Read more

JSON Tutorial Basic to Advance

JSON stand for Java Script Object Notation (JSON). JSON is not a Programming Language. JSON is a data interchange format. Using JSON we can transfer data between client and server and server to server. JSON is defined in RFC4627 written in 2006. Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) published JSON RFC7159 in March 2014. Later on … Read more