How to find Mean Definition Formula and Examples

How to find Mean? Mean means the even distribution of values for a given data set. It is nothing but the average of the given set of values. In statistics, the mean is one of the measures of central tendency, apart from the mode and median. Definition of Mean Mean is the average of the numbers … Read more

Definition of circle Circumference, Area, Chord, Segment

Definition of circle When a line AB rotate by 360 degree taking center A, thus obtained figure is called circle. A is called center of circle. A to any point on the circle joining is called radius, a line passing through the center of the circle is called diameter of circle and its value is … Read more


A set is a well defined collection of objects. The collection member is called number, object or element . We shall denote sets by capital alphabets eg. A,b, ——- & The elements by the small alphabets e.g- a,b,c,—————- z Some reserve letters for these sets. N: for the set of natural numbers {1,2,3,4,5,6,……………….} Z: for … Read more