HTML pre tag

The pre tag is used to display preformatted text in HTML document. pre tag preserves the content structure it can be used to show pre-formated data stored in the database and in another documents and to show computer codes programs to HTML document. Syntax:


Result: Pre tag can also be used to … Read more

HTML Bold Italic & Underline Tags

For creating bold Itelic and Underline text we use following syntax. We can also use nesting of tags Example:

Output: This is bold text This is italic text This text is underline This is bold and italic text

HTML Subscript and Superscript tags

To show data in subscript and in superscript format we use <sub>..</sub> and <sup>..</sup> tags.

Example: Output: X2+Y2 H2O

HTML5 Document Structure

HTML5 Document Structure General HTML 5 Document Structure is as below

<!DOCTYPE html> specifies that this document is HTML5 document and you can use all html5 tags here. <html> is root tag of HTML document it contains two child tags <head> and <body> <head> specifies that this portion contains heading information of the page … Read more

HTML del tag

HTML del tag is used to represent set of characters deleted from the document. The characters inside the del tag are represented as text with centre line(text with strukethrough line). Syntax:

