What is 3/8 as a Decimal?

Converting the fraction 3/8 to its decimal form is quite possibly one of the most simple and easiest calculations one can do. We will show you how one can turn any fraction number into its decimal form in less than 3 seconds in this guide. So let’s go!

3/8 as a decimal format gives detailed data about what is 3/8 in decimal format, and the result with steps aid students in easily understanding how it is being calculated.

A decimal number is a type of number whose fractional part and the whole number partare separated by a decimal point.

Short Answer – 0.375 is the decimal of 3/8.

3/8 as a decimal is 0.375

1st things 1st, we need to brush up on your lessons on what a denominator and a numerator are in a fraction number before getting into the division methods for converting 3/8 into the decimal form –

  • 3 (Three) is the numerator part of the fraction 3/8.
  • 8 (Eight) is the denominator part of the fraction 3/8.

I wish to tell you a little secret since you are here – Here’s the Brahma-Astra that will aid you in converting any fraction number into its decimal form and that too, within a split of seconds, and that is – Just divide the numerator part of the fraction by the denominator part of that fraction and woohoo you will get the correct decimal form of the fraction that you wish to convert.

Let us now look into the 2 ways for writing 3/8 in decimal form.

Long Explanation –

Writing 3/8 in decimal form using the division method –

  • We only need to divide its numerator by its denominator for converting any type of fraction to its decimal form.
  • Hence, for converting 3/8 into its decimal form, it is required that we perform 3 ÷ 8.

= 3 ÷ 8
= 0.375.

Yes! It’s literally that’s simple and in less than a blink of eye, you have the correct answer in your hand – 0.375.

I wish I had more to tell you about converting a fraction number into its decimal form, but there’s nothing more to say about it and it really is that simple.

Grab yourself a pad and a pen and try calculating some fraction numbers to their decimal forms yourself if you wish to practice.

Tip – You can also use your calculator if you are feeling lazy and convert such fractions into their decimal formats.

The aforementioned division method gives us the answer as 0.375. So, 0.375 is the decimal form of the fraction 3/8.

Therefore, 3/8 in its decimal form is 0.375.

How To Perform The Method Of Long Division?

  • Write the numbers in the long division with eight as the divisor and three as the dividend for converting the fraction to the decimal.
  • We have to add zero to three for making it thirty as three cannot be divided by the denominator eight. Also, you need to add a decimal point in the quotient.
  • Continuing the long division method, you can add zero to it for making it divisible by eight if you get a remainder that is smaller than eight.
  • You need to perform the long division method till the remainder starts repeating itself or you get the remainder as zero.
  • Therefore, in this long division method – we have performed the calculation till we have arrived at zero as the remainder. Thus, the answer to this question i.e. What Is 3/8 As A Decimal will be the quotient that we have got from this long division method, 0.375, as we cannot divide further.

Other methods –


Long Explanation–

There are two methods for converting fraction numbers to their decimal formats.

Method Number 1 –

You need to make an equivalent fraction number with a power of ten (10) as the denominator part of the fraction.

The aforementioned method can only be tried and tested with denominators like –

Two, four, five, eight, ten, sixteen, twenty, twenty-five, forty, fifty, etc., which are factors of

Ten, hundred, thousand, ten thousand, and so on.

but not with the denominators that are multiples of three, seven, eleven, etc.

3×125 / 8×125=375 / 1000=0.375

Or you can divide 3.0000 by eight

= 0.375

Method Number 2 –

The below method with steps gives you detailed data on how to convert the fraction number 3/8 into its decimal form.

Step Number 1 –

First of all, address the input parameters and then keenly observe what is to be found –

The input value in this case are the fraction number = 3/8

What is to be found –

The decimal form of the fraction number 3/8 is to be found.

Step Number 2 –

In the 2nd step, you need to find out how many tens should be multiplied with both the denominator and numerator parts of the fraction as the numerator part is way smaller than the denominator part of the fraction 3/8 (For your information, the denominator is 8 which is way greater than the numerator 3 in the fraction 3/8).

Tip – You need to multiply both the denominator and the numerator parts of the fraction by ten (10) since the no of digits is equal in both the denominator and the numerator parts of the fraction 3/8.

= (8 * 10) / (3 * 10)

Step Number 3 –

Rearrange the given fraction number 3/8 as like the below –

={(10 multiplied 3) / 8} / 10

= (1 / 10) multiplied (30 / 8)

Step Number 4 –

You can even simplify the above-mentioned expression further as follows –

= (1 / 10) multiplied(30 / 8)

= {(24 + 6) / 8} × (1 / 10)

= {(24 / 8) + (6 / 8)} × (1 / 10)

= {3 + (6 / 8)} multiplied (1 / 10)

Step Number 5 –

Now, you have to repeat step number two and that will aid you in finding the decimal format for the fraction number 6/8 in the above-mentioned expression –

= {3 + (6 / 8)} multiplied (1 / 10)

= (3 + 0.75) multiplied (1 / 10)

Step Number 6 –

Simplify the aforementioned expression further as follows –

= (3 + 0.75) multiplied (1 / 10)

= 3.75 multiplied (1 / 10)

= 3.75 / 10

= 0.375

Hence, 3/8 = 0.375

Therefore, the fraction number 3/8 in its decimal form is 0.375.

Fun Facts –

Some common terms that you should be familiar with while attempting these types of long division method questions are –

  • The number ‘eight’ i.e. the denominator is our divisor.
  • On the other hand, the number ‘three’ i.e. the numerator in our fraction is our dividend.

Conversion Of The Fraction Number 3/8 To Its percent Format

To convert fraction numbers to their percent counterparts, you simply need to multiply that fraction number by a hundred and reduce it to the desired percent.

Below-mentioned is an example of  3/8 which will provide you a clear understanding of how to convert the fraction numbers to their percent formats. Follow the steps provided below for the easy and smooth conversion of fraction numbers to their percent formats –

Step Number 1 – Convert the fraction number 3/8 into its decimal form

First of all, you are required to multiply the obtained decimal number 3/8 by a hundred, to get the equivalent desired percent value –

For the conversion of 3/8 to the decimal value –

Step One – Convert the fraction number 3/8 to its decimal equivalent.

Step Two – 3/8 = 0.375.

So 3/8 in the decimal form is 0.375.

Step Number Two – For The Conversion To The percent Format

For the conversion of the fraction number to the decimal format, first of all, you are required to convert to the decimal form and then multiply the result by a hundred.

We have got the decimal 0.375 from the above-mentioned steps.

Multiply the decimal by a hundred to obtain the desired and correct percent form –

0.375 × 100 = 37.5%

Thus, the answer is 37.5%.


3/8= 37.5%

3/8 as a Mixed Number

The given fraction 3/8 can not be expressed as a mixed number because the numerator part of the fraction i.e. three(3) of is smaller as compared to the denominator part of the fraction, eight (8).

Why Would One Wish To Convert The Fraction Number 3/8 To Its Decimal Form?

The aforementioned is a great question, don’t you agree? There are numerous calculations that are available on the world wide web that show and teach us about how to convert fraction numbers into their decimal forms, but the question arises what is that need, want, wish, or urge to do that in the very 1st place in itself?

The most plausible answer to the above-mentioned question is that when we convert a fraction number into its decimal form, it lets us carry out some most common arithmetic operations such as division, multiplication, subtraction, and addition with utmost ease.

The more psychological reason behind the conversion of fractions to decimals can be stated as a better understanding of decimals (such as currency, for example) in our minds.

The reason is simple and out there in the middle – The human brains are trained to compare and understand decimal formats than fractions from a very young and tender age.

Now, let’s talk about a real-life example that clearly states why the conversion of fractions into their decimal forms is imperative in real life.

Let us assume that you are cooking your meal and you can typically see how much of a particular ingredient is left in the pack fractionally.

Moreover, electronic scales measure the weights of different entities in decimal formats rather than a fraction of the ingredients left.

So, this was an example that depicted why the conversion from a fraction to a decimal is extremely useful and helpful in the real-life world.

We hope that this tutorial has aided you in understanding how to convert the fraction numbers to their decimal numbers, and why it is important to do so.

You can now go forth and convert fraction numbers to their decimal formats as much as your little heart desires!

1/1 = 11/8 = 0.1253/4 = 0.757/9 = 0.711/16 = 0.68758/9 = 0.87/8 = 0.8754/5 = 0.8

1/2 = 0.51/9 = 0.12/5 = 0.43/10 = 0.315/32 = 0.46877/10 = 0.75/9 = 0.54/7 = 0.571

1/3 = 0.31/10 = 0.15/6 = 0.832/11 = 0.183/5 = 0.63/11 = 0.279/10 = 0.9

1/4 = 0.251/11 = 0.092/7 = 0.285715/11 = 0.453/7 = 0.4285716/11 = 0.544/11 = 0.36

1/5 = 0.21/12 = 0.0835/7 = 0.714288/11 = 0.726/7 = 0.857147/12 = 0.5837/16 = 0.4375

1/6 = 0.161/16 = 0.06253/8 = 0.3755/12 = 0.4165/8 = 0.6255/16 = 0.312515/16 = 0.9375

1/7 = 0.1428572/3 = 0.62/9 = 0.23/16 = 0.18754/9 = 0.413/16 = 0.812519/32 = 0.5937

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Is 3/8 a repeating decimal of a terminating decimal?

A. A decimal number that ends is known as a terminating decimal i.e. terminating decimal is a type of decimal that has a finite number of digits. When we convert the fraction number 3/8 to its decimal form, we get 0.375. Therefore, the fraction number 3/8 has terminating decimal expansion and is a terminating decimal.

Q. Express 3/8 in fraction form.

A. 3/8 = 6/16 = 9/24.

Q. What is the ratio equivalent of 3/8?

A. 6 : 16

Hence, the 3 equivalent ratios of 3 : 8 are –

  1. 18 : 48
  2. 12 : 32, and
  3. 6 : 16.

Q. How can you calculate 3/8 of a number?

A. You have to multiply the numerator three by the given whole number (say 48) and then divide the product (3 × 48 = 144) by the denominator part eight. Therefore, 3/8 of 48 is equal to 18.