What is 1/8 as a Decimal Number?

Conversion of the fractional number 1/8 to its decimal format is 1 of the easiest calculations a person can make in his/her life.

1/8 in its decimal form offers detailed information about what is the fraction 1/8 in its decimal form and this guide will help you to easily understand how it is being converted.

We will be explaining to you how can you convert 1/8 into its decimal value quickly and easily. Here we go!

1/8 As A Decimal Number

Before heading towards the tedious calculations (Believe Me! It is going to be the most hectic calculation that you have done in a while!), let’s brush up on our lessons on numerator and denominator –

  • 1 is the numerator of the fraction 1/8.
  • The number eight (8) is the denominator of the fraction 1/8.

Method Number 1 – To Convert 1/8 As A Decimal Number

Short Answer– 1/8 in its decimal form is expressed as 0.125.

Now, let us deeply understand the method to convert 1/8 in its decimal form.

Long Answer – Writing the fractional number 1/8 in its decimal format using the division method.

We are only required to simply divide the numerator of any fractional value by its denominator to obtain the decimal value from the fraction.

Hence, the fractional number here is 1/8 and that means that we are required to perform the division calculation 1 ÷ 8.

= 1/8

= 1 ÷ 8

= 0.125

This provides us with the answer as 0.125. Therefore, 1/8 in its decimal form is 0.125.

Tip – You can always verify your calculation and check the desired decimal number 0.125 by using a calculator.

Therefore, 1/8 in its decimal format can be written or expressed as 0.125.

Hereby, we will conclude this method and yes, this was the tedious calculation I was talking about. I really wish that I had more to tell you about this division method to convert any fraction to its decimal format, but there really isn’t anything else!

Without further ado, let’s move to the next method that will aid you to convert any fraction into its decimal value.

Method Number 2 To Convert 1/8 As A Decimal Number

Tip – Always make it a habit to check and compare denominators of fractions either when you are comparing different fractions or you’re converting different fractions to their decimal equivalents. 

Did you know that the given fraction (1/8 in this case) will be converted to its equivalent fraction first and then it will be converted to the equivalent decimal value?

In case, you are wondering what are equivalent fractions; don’t worry as we are here to solve all your doubts related to the topic.

The fractions that are made of factors of the denominator and the numerator value are known as Equivalent fractions.

The other definition that works for equivalent fractions in the fractional market is that these are the fractions that have different denominator and numerator values but simplify to the same fraction.

Tip – The process of acquiring equivalent fractions is utterly simple. All you have to do is multiply any non-zero number with the denominator as well as the numerator and there you go! What you have on your notebook (or screen) is the equivalent fraction of the given fraction.

Talking about the given fraction in this case i.e. 1/8 à The denominator will be converted to 1000 from 8.

Now, all you need to do is find the number that is required to multiply with8 for getting 1000.

To ease your job, the answer is 125 (just divide 1000 by 8 to get that!).

Going by the rule stated above, the numerator value i.e. 1 (in the given fraction) will also be multiplied by 125 to get 1 * 125 = 125.

Stating numerically, the above scenario becomes –

= (125 × 1) / (125 × 8)
= 125 / 1000

There you go! Now you can easily reap the fruits of the seeds that you sowed by converting the given fraction to equivalent fractions.

As you can see, the denominator in the equivalent fraction is 1000 and the corresponding decimal value can be easily attained by shifting the decimal point thrice to the left-hand side of the numerator value.

Stating numerically, the aforementioned process becomes –

= 125 / 1000

Shifting the decimal value to the left-hand side by three places becomes –

= 0.125

Method Number 3

The below method number 3 with detailed steps will provide you the complete information required on how to easily convert the fraction number1/8 to its decimal equivalent.

Step Number 1 –

First of all, you need to address all the input parameters and then patiently observe what is to be found –

The input value in this case are the fractional value = 1/8

What is to be found –

The decimal format or decimal equivalent of the fraction number 1/8 is to be found.

Step Number 2 –

In the 2nd step, you need to find out how many hundreds or tens should be multiplied with both the values i.e.

denominator and numerator of the fraction as the numerator part is less as compared to the denominator of the fraction value 1/8 (As you can clearly see, the denominator is 8 which is way greater than the numerator 1 in the fraction 1/8).

Tip – You need to multiply both the denominator and the numerator parts of the fraction by ten (10) since the number of digits i.e. 1 (one) are equal in both the denominator and the numerator of the given fractional value1/8.

= (8 * 10) / (1 * 10)

Step Number 3 –

Rearrange the given fraction number 1/8 as follows –

= { (10 multiplied 1) / 8} / 10

= (1 / 10) multiplied (10 / 8)

Step Number 4 –

You can even simplify the aforementioned numerical expression further as–

= (1 / 10) multiplied (10 / 8)

= {(2 + 8) / 8} × (1 / 10)

= {(2 / 8) + (8 / 8)} × (1 / 10)

= {1 + (2 / 8)} multiplied (1 / 10)

Step Number 5 –

Now, you have to repeat the step number 2 because it help you majorly in finding the decimal equivalent for the fraction number 2/8 in the above-mentioned numerical expression –

= {1+ (2 / 8)} multiplied (1 / 10)

= (1 + 0.25) multiplied (1 / 10)

Step Number 6 –

Simplify the above-mentioned numerical expression further as follows –

= (1 + 0.25) multiplied (1 / 10)

= 1.25 multiplied (1 / 10)

= 1.25 / 10

= 0.125

Hence, 1/8 = 0.125

Therefore, the fraction number 1/8 in its decimal form is 0.125.

Some Fun Facts To Be Remembered –

Some common terms that you should be familiar with (or should be learnt by heart), while attempting these types of long division method questions are –

  • The number ‘eight’ i.e. the denominator value in our fraction is our divisor.
  • On the other hand, the number ‘one’ which is the numerator in our fractional number is our dividend.

1/8 As A Mixed Number

Those fractions can be written or expressed as a mixed number whose numerator value is way greater than its denominator value. Talking about the fractional value in question i.e. 1/8 –

  • The numerator value in the given fraction is one (1).
  • The denominator value in this fraction is 8.

Therefore, as one can clearly see, the numerator value is way smaller than the denominator value. Hence, the given fraction 1/8 cannot be expressed as a mixed number.

Converting 1/8To Percent

Firstly, you must convert 1/8 into its decimal form if you have to convert it to its percent format.

For converting 1/8 to its decimal form, you need to simply divide its numerator 1 by its denominator i.e. 8, and there, you get your answer –

1/8 = 0.125

Tip – If you are not good at calculations or mathematics, you can always use a calculator for the very same purpose and get your answer as 0.125.

Tip – If you are attempting this question in Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs), then simply tick the answer that is greater than 12% as 12.5% (1/8 in its percentage form) is greater than the former number.



The Basic Question Arises: What Is The Basic Requirement Or Urge That Motivates You To Convert Any Fractional Number (1/8 In This Case) To Its Decimal Value?

The answer to the above-mentioned question is simple and out there in the public domain and in real life – The Better Understanding Of Decimals Or Percentages As Compared To The Corresponding Fractions In Real/Daily Life.

The other reason is that decimals allow you to calculate common arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division more easily than fractions.

On the other hand, we as individuals are taught to be dealt with and relate with decimals more than fractions in real life.

It’s not just easy, but fun to do and solve real-life problems based on decimals!

Talking about real-life examples, imagine that you are a Masterchef and you are cooking the world’s best Maggie.

While cooking, you can easily see what fraction of Maggie Masala is left in the pack.

However, electronic scales see the Maggie masala left in the pack differently and measure them in decimals easily rather than fractions (as observed by the naked eye).

Therefore, for the very reason stated above, conversion between fractions and decimals is a very helpful and useful skill.


We hope that you liked our tutorial on how to convert any fraction figure (1/8 in this article) to its decimal equivalent.

You can now bid adieu to us and convert as many fractions to their decimal equivalents as your heart, soul, and brain desires because the world is yours to conquer!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q. Kindly state what is the fractional value 1/8 written in its decimal form?

A. The fractional value 1/8 in its decimal form is 0.125.

Q. In simple terms, how can you obtain the decimal value of the fraction 1/8?

A. Stating simply, the equivalent decimal value of the fraction can be obtained by dividing the numerator value 1 with denominator value 8.

= 1/8
= 1 ÷ 8
= 0.125

Q. How can you convert the fraction 1/8 to its decimal equivalent with the help of a calculator?

A. If you will be using a calculator for the tedious task of converting the fraction 1/8 into its decimal value, all you need to do is –

Step Number 1 –

  1. Enter the value 1 in the calculator.
  2. Press the divide (÷) sign on the calculator.
  3. Enter the value 8 in the calculator.
  4. Press the equal to (=) sign on the calculator.
  5. Within a matter of seconds, the desired decimal value i.e. 0.125 will flash brightly on your screen.

Q. Is 1/8 a repeating decimal or a terminating decimal?

A. We hope that you know that a decimal figure that terminates is known as a terminating decimal. Putting in other words, a terminating decimal is a type of decimal that possess a finite number of digits.

Talking about the conversion of the fraction number 1/8 to its decimal equivalent, the desired decimal value is 0.125. Thus, the fraction number 1/8 has terminating decimal expansion and is known as a terminating decimal.

Q. Can you please express 1/8 in fraction form?

A. 1/8 = 2/16 = 3/24.

Q. Please tell us what is the ratio equivalent to 1/8?

A. 2 : 16

Hence, the 3 equivalent ratios of 2 : 8 are –

  1. 12 : 48
  2. 8 : 32, and
  3. 2 : 16.

Q. How can you easily calculate 1/8 of a particular number?

A. For finding and calculating the 1/8 of a specific number, you need to multiply the numerator value i.e. 1 (in this given fraction) by the given whole number (say 32, for example) and then divide the product (1 × 32 = 32) by the denominator value 8.

= (1 / 8) × 32

= 4

Therefore, 1/8 of 32 is equal to 4.