onClick event handler examples in ReactJs

ReactJS is a popular JavaScript library that is used to build user interfaces. One of the key features of ReactJS is its ability to handle events efficiently using onClick event handlers. In this article, we will provide 15 examples of onClick event handlers in ReactJS, which are ideal for beginners who are just starting to learn this library.

1 Basic onClick event handler

This is a basic example of an onClick event handler that alerts the user when a button is clicked:

2 Pass argument to onClick event handler

This example shows how to pass an argument to the onClick event handler:

3 Conditional rendering with onClick event handler

This example demonstrates how to conditionally render content based on the onClick event handler:

4 Pass event object to onClick event handler

This example shows how to pass the event object to the onClick event handler:

5 Using arrow function in onClick event handler

This example demonstrates how to use an arrow function in the onClick event handler:

6 Accessing state in onClick event handler

This example shows how to access the state in the onClick event handler:

7 Using bind() method in onClick event handler

This example demonstrates how to use the bind() method in the onClick event handler:

8 Using preventDefault() in onClick event handler

This example shows how to use the preventDefault() method in the onClick event handler:

9 Using stopPropagation() in onClick event handler

This example demonstrates how to use the stopPropagation() method in the onClick event handler:

10 Using setState() method in onClick event handler

This example shows how to use the setState() method in the onClick event handler:

Using Multiple onClick events in App.js