Write a method max that has two string parameters and returns the larger of the two.

In programming, it’s often necessary to compare two values and determine which one is larger.

This is particularly useful when working with strings, as they can be used to represent a wide range of data types and values.

The method “max” is a common operation in many programming languages that takes two parameters and returns the larger of the two.

In this particular case, we’re interested in a method that takes two string parameters and returns the larger of the two.

Here we will explore how to write a “max” method that works specifically with strings and discuss some of the considerations that go into implementing this functionality.

  1. Method max that has two string parameters and returns the larger of the two using String.compareTo()
  2. Method max that has two string parameters and returns the larger of the two using String.length()
  3. Method max that has two string parameters and returns the larger of the two using conditional operator.

Method max that has two string parameters and returns the larger of the two using String.compareTo()

This implementation uses the compareTo method of String to compare the two input strings lexicographically (i.e., by their dictionary order). If str1 is greater than str2 according to this ordering, then str1 is returned; otherwise, str2 is returned.

in above implementation assumes that both input strings are non-null. If either input string is null, then the compareTo method will throw a NullPointerException. If you want to handle this case more gracefully, you could add a null check to the method:

Method max that has two string parameters and returns the larger of the two using String.length()

here maxString method first checks the length of the two input strings s1 and s2 using the length() method of String. If s1 is longer than s2, then s1 is returned; otherwise, s2 is returned.

Method max that has two string parameters and returns the larger of the two using conditional operator

Using Collections.max method:

Using Stream.max method:

Using Math.max method:

Using if-else statement:

Using a ternary operator with a nested compareTo method:

Using String.format and a conditional operator:

Here we discussed Write a method max that has two string parameters and returns the larger of the two.

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