How to solve “objects are not valid as a react child”

The “Objects are not valid as a React child” error occurs when a component attempts to render an object as a child. React components can only render primitive data types, such as strings or numbers, as children.

Here are the steps to solve this error:

Step 1: Identify the component causing the error First

you need to identify the component that is causing the error. The error message usually contains a stack trace that shows which component is causing the issue. Look for the component name in the error message.

Step 2: Check the component’s render function

Once you have identified the component causing the error, check its render function. Look for any instances where the component is trying to render an object as a child.

Step 3: Convert the object to a primitive data type

If the component is trying to render an object, you need to convert it to a primitive data type. For example, if the object is an array, you can use the Array.join() method to convert it to a string. If the object is an object, you can use JSON.stringify() to convert it to a string.

Step 4: Update the component’s render function

After you have converted the object to a primitive data type, update the component’s render function to use the new value. For example, if you converted an array to a string, replace the array with the string in the component’s JSX.

Step 5: Test the component

Finally test the component to make sure the error has been resolved. If the error persists, repeat the steps above to identify and fix any additional instances of the error.


This component tries to render an object (user) as a child of the div element, which is not allowed in React.

To solve this error, we need to convert the object to a primitive data type before rendering it.

Here are the steps to solve this error:

Step 1: Identify the component causing the error In this case, the App component is causing the error.

Step 2: Check the component’s render function Look at the return statement of the App component. The error is caused by the attempt to render the user object.

Step 3: Convert the object to a primitive data type To fix the error, we can convert the user object to a string using the JSON.stringify() method.

Step 4: Update the component’s render function Replace the object {user} with the converted string {JSON.stringify(user)} in the return statement.

Step 5: Test the component Test the component to make sure the error has been resolved. The App component should now render without any errors.

Hope it will solve objects are not valid as a react child.

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