Java swing login form with database connection source code download

Here we will develop the Java swing login form with database connectivity.

We considered a small example with student details to log in From Java Swing and redirect to another frame after login.

Java swing login form with database connection in Netbeans

Here we have created a swing login form in java and connected that form with the MySQL database and provide all validation related to that.

Registration Form in Java | Student registration form using java swing source code

We have covered

  • Login Page design using JFrame
  • Validation on Login Page
  • Event Handling for Login button
  • Accessing Student details from MySQL database
  • Matching encrypted password using jBCrypt.

To make our project functionating, we have included additional jar files mysql-connector-java jar file and jBCrypt jar file.

You can check both jar version in below Project Explorer.

Login form in java swing with source code example is developed using NetBeans IDE.

Project Explorer for this project is as below.

Project Explorer for login form in java with database connectivity
Fig: Project Explorer

In the above Figure you can see, there is a package name login and its three sub-packages dao, frames, and model.

login.dao contains the following three files

1. -Used to establish a connection from the database.

2.– Extracts user details from student table from MySQL database.

3. Student.sql– It is an SQL query to create table structure. Also contains a record of a student.

login.frame package contains the following files

1 – It contains JFrame to create a login Frame.

2. – It contains JFrame to create a home Frame.

3. – This file is used to validate userid and password field of LoginFrame

login.model this package contains a file

1 – This file contains necessary fields of students its getter setter and toString() method. This is a simple Pojo File.

Libraries contain jar files

1 jdk1.8 – Using jdk1.8 for this project

2. mysql-connector-java – Used to connect MySQL database with Java

3 JBCrypt – Used to encrypt password.

To start a new Project in NetBeans click on

File->New Project

From Category select Java and at Projects select Java Application

then click on next

then provide project Name and select Use dedicated folder for Storing libraries then click on Finish.

This will create a project.

Create a package login and inside login create three packages frames, model, and dao.

Create a Login Form in Java Frame

Create a login frame in login.frames package.

General methods inside the login frame are as below.

1 Declare component like buttons,textbox, password field, etc inside LoginFrame class

2. Create a default constructor inside this create an object for declared components.

3. Create a method setBounds() to assign positions for components

4. Add all components to Container in addComponent()

5 Method addActionListener() is created to add actionListeners() to components

6 actionPerformed() the overridden method is used to handle the event

7 main() is creating an object of class and set title, visibility, frame size, EXIT_ON_CLOSE, and resizable properties of the frame.

The following code contains the general structure of the frame

Add Components to Login Frame

Here components JLabel, JTextField, JButton, Container are declared and their objects are created in the default constructor, bounds are assigned in setBounds() and components are added to the container in addComponent().

login form in java with database connectivity example
Fig: Java Swing Login Example

Learn basic JFrame tutorial here

Add Action Listener and perform check for correct userid and password

Added actionListener for loginButton. Action handling is performed in actionPerformed().

We are overriding actionPerformed() of ActionListener Interface.

IF any event occurs then we check its source by e.getSource() method.

Here we are comparing e.getSource() with loginButton. java button click event is handled here.

If the login button is clicked then statements inside if the statement is executed.

Inside if statement we are getting values of userNameTextField.getText() and passwordField.getText();

getText() is used to get textbox value as text.

getText() of JPassword the field is deprecated but for demo purposes, we are using it.

after getting userid and password we are matching both with our user id and password

if (userName.equalsIgnoreCase("Test") && password.equalsIgnoreCase("1234@."))

if both are matching then print logged in else unable to login.

login page in java swing
Fig: Login Page in Java Swing

Login is checked with different user id and password with their output in the console as shown below.

Console Result for different userid and password input
Fig: Console Result for different userid and password input

Our code is working properly.

Now we will validate the user id and password field.

Adding Validation for userid and password

For validation created a class in login.frames the package.

For validation, we are considering the following rules

  1. User id and password must not be empty.
  2. User id and password must have minimum 4 characters
  3. User id and password must have maximum 20 characters

Here Done only basic validation. Not validating valid mail id.

Later or you can also use login with a mobile number or any other unique id.

According to this rule we have written the following validateLogin().

This will accept userid and password and check for the above conditions.

validateLogin() returns err ArrayList and that list is displayed in LoginFrame.

Updating LoginFrame to add validation

Here we created object of Validation and called validateLogin().

If any error occurs then errors are displayed with

JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, errors.toArray());

Output for LoginFrame validation is as below

Validation in login form in java
Fig: Userid and password validation in login form

Checking user id and password from MySQL database

Create MySQL database and table and insert value that is given below

Student Table Description
Fig: Student Table Description

Model to Assing JDBC value to Student Object is added in login.model

This contains basic fields of students and getter setter and toString().

The object of this class is created in to assign values that is extracted from the student table.

Database Connectivity :Establishing Connection with MySQL Database is used to connect MySQL database with username and password and return Connection object.

Following code is how to connect MySQL database with java

Accessing Student details from MySQL Database

Following JDBC program ( is used to get student details from the database.

For this, we used PreparedStatement of JDBC.

Here we fetch data from the database in java and assigned it to the student object.

Here we checked user detail with mail id, you can use a mobile number or with both.

Comparing user id and password from DAO in

  1. Create object for LoginDAO
  2. call checkLogin(userName) to check whether user exists or not.
  3. If user exists then student.getId() will not be zero.
  4. Compare user password with database stored password using BCrypt.
  5. If userid and password is correct then show HomeFrame
  6. else show appropriate message

Complete Code for is

Showing HomeFrame after Successful Login

In if userid and password are correct then we added setVisible(true) for HomeFrame and dispose of () the LoginFrame as below

new HomeFrame().setVisible(true); 
this.dispose(); is created to login.frames this frame is shown after successful login.

Validating login form in java
Fig: User Login Example
Java Home Frame after login
Fig: Redirected to home Frame after successful login

Login form in java swing with source code. Download The Complete Project with Source code

Java swing login form with MySQL database connection source code download

Hope you understand Java swing login form with database connection.

Read More

  1. JLabel in Java Swing
  2. JComboBox in Java Swing
  3. JTable in Java Swing
  4. JTable Pagination in Java JDBC
  5. Registration Form in Java Swing
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  7. Applet Life Cycle in Java