MySql dump using java

A MySQL dump, also known simply as a “dump,” is a process of exporting or backing up the data and structure of a MySQL database into a file. This file contains a snapshot of the database’s contents at a specific point in time, making it useful for various purposes, such as: To create a MySQL … Read more

Simple Interest Calculator in Android

SimpleInterest calculator in Android is developed to calculate the simple Interest in Android apps. Android Studio Chipmunk is used to develop this project. Simple interest formula is p*r*t/100 activity_main.xml The activity_main.xml file is an XML layout file used in Android app development. It defines the visual structure and components of the main user interface screen … Read more

Addition of two numbers in Android

This is a basic program for Addition of two numbers in Android Steps to add two numbers Activity_main.xml

To validate we will use the Saripaar library. Add this library to the build.gradle in the dependencies section as below To use Saripaar in the program Overridden implementation is given below.

Hope you … Read more

Sending data to servlet HTTP get method

Here we will discuss Servlet HTTP get method What is a Servlet? A servlet is a Java-based program that runs on a web server. It handles client requests and generates dynamic web content. Servlets are an integral part of Java EE (Enterprise Edition) and are widely used for web development. HTTP GET Method The HTTP … Read more

21 to 30 Table And Easy Methods To Memorize Times Table

Multiplication times table can be extremely difficult for teaching but fear not as we have curated a fine list of easy methods for remembering multiplication times table and keeping your kids engaged. What Are Multiplication Tables? Times tables, also known as multiplication tables are tables that list the multiples of a specific number. Multiplications can … Read more

SpringBoot JPA @OneToMany Mapping : Fetch data from tables

SpringBoot JPA @OneToMany Mapping as name says we will see one to many mapping in SpringBoot and JPA. First see the ER Diagram SpringBoot JPA @OneToMany Mapping ER Diagram Following is the Entity Relationship Diagram for user, user_mails and user_mobiles table. One user can have multiple mail ids. So this is a one to many … Read more

CS Full form – Company Secretary or Computer Science

What is the full form of CS? There are two different full forms of CS, in commerce, it is Company Secretary, and in computer, it is Computer Science. CS is an abbreviation for Company Secretary. It is a senior position in both the commercial and governmental sectors. It is one of the highest-paying occupations—employees with … Read more

 Factors of 65?

The factors of 65 are the numbers that divide 65 evenly, leaving no remainder. The factors of 65 are 1, 5, 13, and 65. To find the factors of 65, you can divide 65 by each number between 1 and 65, and any number that divides 65 evenly is a factor. Here we discuss Factors … Read more

Operator Precedence and associativity in JavaScript

Operator Precedence Operator precedence determines the order in which operators are evaluated when more than one operator is used in an expression. The higher an operator’s precedence, the earlier it is evaluated in comparison with the operators with lower precedence. Consider the following example:

The above expression is evaluated in the order of the … Read more